Tools & More Resources


More Resources:

  1. There is nothing hidden in heaven or on earth that is not clear in a book. The Holy Quran (Eng) (732) Urdu

  2. Acquire knowledge and impart it to the people. Prophet Muhammad( S.A.W) (Tirmidhi, Hadith 107 )

  3. Let there be no envy, except in two things: 1-A man whom Allah (God) gave a wealth and guided him to spend it in righteous way. 2-Or a man to whom Allah (God) gave wisdom and he acts wisely and teaches it to others.” (Prophet Muhammad( S.A.W), Al-Bukhari and Muslim; See An-Nawawi, Riyad As-Salihin)

  4. The garden of the world has no limits, except in your mind. Rumi

  5. Live like a tree, serve the people with your sweet fruits and shadow. (me)

  6. Behold! In the creation of heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are indeed Signs for men of understanding." The Holy Quran, [Aale Imran 3:190], Urdu

  7. Don't believe in what is written in textbooks or other's research papers, unless you validate the fact by yourself. If you believe in other's work, there is nothing left for your own research. Tasuku Honjo

  8. Don't work on only what you can do, but explore what you want to know. Tasuku Honjo